Your Monday productivity more like “fauxductivity”?🤔

A new term for acting like you’re working harder than you are is trending

Has your Monday workday been more about pushing papers around, appearing to look busy and watching the clock than, ya know, actual work?

The struggle is indeed REAL, we know, with one in three of us admitting to “fauxductivity”, that is making it LOOK like you’re productive when you’re not really doing much of anything.

About half of managers say it’s a problem in the workplace, but the managers themselves were found MORE likely to be “fauxductive” than their employees, 37% to 32%.

The top 5 reasons for “fauxductivity”? Better work-life balance, feeling burnt out, not enough work to do, unrealistic expectations from their boss and wanting to appease upper management.

Read more here ➡️ Workhuman and here ➡️ Forbes