Remember AOL Instant Messenger? #tbt

Take a trip down memory lane to a time before mini-computers at our fingertips

I can still remember some friends screennames and the equally embarrassing away messages that I thought, at the time, were so clever. The song lyrics, the quotes, the passive-aggressive messages dedicated to certain people... oh yes... the memories!

I was chatting with Megan on the phone about it yesterday and thought it would be some fun Throwback Thursday nostalgia.

Sadly, AIM is no more. Honestly, it’s pretty impressive that they held on as long as they did, 2017.

Check out this video that dives in head first on all the features! ⬇️

... and this one, capturing reactions of adults while re-visiting what used to be a prime way to stay in touch with friends in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s! ⬇️