Please STOP πŸ›‘ for the kids!

We seem to have a problem stopping for school buses & now it’s coming with a hefty fine

Not sure who needs to hear it, but ya know those stop signs that stick out from the side of a school bus when that bus is stopped and picking up or dropping someone off? Yeah... STOP πŸ›‘ at those!

Officials in Tampa are reminding drivers to stop if they see a school bus with its sign extended. That means no matter which way you’re coming from. It’s for the safety of our kids.

In fact, many buses now have cameras on board that will take a photo of your license plate and send you an automatic $225 ticket, starting September 12th. 

There’s currently a grace period in place where you’ll only receive a warning, but consider THIS your warning. Expect to see similar programs soon in other parts of Florida and the US.

Officials in Tampa also announced that in the span of just four days this month, 2,391 drivers ignored those stop signs and passed school buses anyway.

Unacceptable! 😠

Gotta keep our kids SAFE!! Do your part.