2024 got you STRESSED OUT? You’re NOT alone!

More than 2 out of 5 of us say we’ve hit “peak stress” levels

Well, if we are being specific, it’s 41% of us, in a new poll say we are more stressed out now than at any other point in 2024... and to think we haven’t even hit the Holidays yet!

One thing, that happens ahead of the Holidays, that I surely thought had to be the number one cause of that stress... was the ELECTION, but it only came in 6th place.

The average person feels overwhelmed 156 times a year, so once every couple of days. 

Here are the top 5 things we are currently stressing over:

1.  Money

2.  The economy (So, money again)

3.  Our physical health

4.  Family

5.  Our mental health  (So, we’re stressed about BEING stressed)

The good news is we have remedies for that.

The money part... we have $1,000 5 times each weekday for ya and the top remedy for when we’re feeling stressed out was... turn on some music. 📻 See, again, we got you!! 😉

Read more here ➡️ SWNS