Crackdown On Aggressive Drivers In St Pete

St Pete Police are partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation to crack down on aggressive drivers and people who text and drive. The Enhanced Law Enforcement Engagement program will target some of the deadliest intersections in the city that include Roosevelt Boulevard, Gandy Boulevard, and the Pinellas Bayway. The increased law enforcement will last at least through October.

In just over a week, it will be the official start of hurricane season, and Thursday, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will announce its 2023 Atlantic hurricane season outlook. Our partners at 10 Tampa Bay Weather will carry it live, and you can link to that in the Dove Hurricane Guide. Chief Meteorologist Bobby Deskins joined Ann Kelly for a discussion on the season and how to prepare for What’s Good In Tampa Bay.

The Dove Hurricane Guide has the latest information on a new tropical disturbance, less that two weeks before the start of the hurricane season begins June 1st. National Hurricane Service does not give it a strong chance of development, but for the latest information from our partners at 10 Tampa Bay weather, please keep this page bookmarked.

Floridians can save on supplies with the first of two disaster preparedness holidays coming up. It begins this Saturday, May 27th and runs through Friday, June 9th. The second will be from August 26th through Sept. 8th. Check with the Florida Department of Revenue for supplies that are tax-free, and in the Dove Hurricane Guide for tips for staying safe before and after the storm.

St Pete Clearwater International Airport received the 2022 Airport of the Year award in the small to medium sized airports category from the Transportation Safety Administration Monday. PIE was up against 333 other airports for this honorary award. For the full awards list from the TSA click here.