Oh Sugar, Oh Honey Honey!

Our breakroom is a nice place for the most part. But then, there’s the lack of what I would consider healthier choices. Often promised, but not delivered. What there is, is sugar.

There’s a new list out of the unhealthiest snacks and it’s fairly predictable - and desirable. Who takes the top spot? With 34 grams of added sugar, Zebra Cakes. I can honestly say I’ve never had one, but in the rest of the top five are Smucker’s Goober Grape, Ritz Bits Cheese Sandwich Crackers (yes, more than one and more than once), Turtle Chex Mix, and then comes the Little Debbie Swiss Roll. No comment or admission of guilt.

But please, who hasn’t tucked one of these in the kid’s lunch box, or you have that secret stash in your drawer? The dreaded top 40 Unhealthiest Snack list is here, and if you feel like you gained five pounds just be reading it, I feel your pain.

Where are we going wrong? Convenience. It’s so much easier to grab and go versus cook and actually sit down to a meal we cooked ourselves. I promise you this. One by one, I’m working so hard to cut back on the sugar and the carbs for the sake of my own health, and if you have tasty suggestions, let’s hear them!


A great day for me is not getting out of bed. I like to see how many snacks I can eat, and how many really bad TV shows I can watch - Gwen Stefani