No Is The Hardest Word

No animal shelter ever wants to say know when it comes to taking in more pets in need. But tough financial times are doing just that, especially at the Suncoast Animal League. I’ve known Executive Director Rick Chaboudy almost since the day I came to Florida and I know difficult this has to be for him and the staff.

For the first time ever they are not taking in any pets. But they do many in need of forever and foster homes, and that’s where we come in. If you can do that, or make a contribution of cash or supplies that will also help them out. The Suncoast Animal League has taken in some especially difficult cases of special needs or abused pets, and the reason they have the life they have today is because of SAL.

One way to show SAL some love is to shop this weekend at the Suncoast Thrift Shoppe Intake Hold Sale this weekend with everything 25% off! Volunteers and fosters are always needed do drop in to talk to the dedicated volunteers.

So if you can lend a helping hand (or paw) please click here. Keep an eye out for more fund raisers that I’ll be at like Dogtoberfest this November. And thank you.