Keeping Our Brain Fit With Fit Minds

June is Brain Health Awareness Month so what better time to start exercising your brain?

No one will dispute the benefits of exercise as we age. But keeping our mind as fit as our body is equally important. Who hasn't hear the phrase if you don't move it, you'll lose it? The pain of watching someone you love slip away due to Alzheimer's or dementia is heartbreaking. I know that firsthand and I plan to fight every step of the way! Part of that effort can come from the certified Fit Minds Personal Trainer for the Mind™.

For our wonderful seniors who may be in an assisted living facility or memory care unit you have the opportunity for not only one-on-one cognitive coaching sessions, you can also be part of a large group premier session. The greatest difficulty facing those seniors now is the quarantine that has kept away loved ones and perhaps cost them the socialization that is vital for a healthy mind. I know I try every day to speak to my Mom on the phone, and even though we're many miles apart it's the smile in her voice that makes my day. So how can Fit Minds work for your loved ones?

I welcomed Fit Minds CEO Janet Knupp to Ann-Ventures to talk about this fascinating new business that's also a personal mission for her. Janet's mother was diagnosed with Lewy Body, a form of dementia which led her to create Fit Minds. Janet graciously shared her story with me in our interview, and you can also read more about her journey here.

I'd like to give you the chance to enter to win One Month FREE of Fit Minds Mental Stimulation and Meaningful Engagement just by clicking here. It's the perfect opportunity to take away some of that loneliness and isolation that someone may be quietly fighting. There's no need to be alone when you have the chance to reach out and work with Fit Minds' Virtual Personal Trainer for the Mind™. You can also engage in virtual, customized cognitive stimulation sessions that exercise five key areas of the brain on Zoom! It couldn't be easier to take this important step.

My thanks to Janet for her time, and they welcome any questions or concerns you may have here.