A.I. Don’t Know.

The A.I. discussion is a tough one, but you tell me if this works for you. There’s a test program that involves A.I. powered shopping carts. It’s a little confusing but basically there’s a touch screen with your order, a scale to weigh things (no eating the grapes) and a scanner to add it all up. If you thought the traditional grocery cart was expensive, can you imagine what this costs?

Guess who owns this company that launched this back in 2019? That would be Instacart who bought Caper A.I. for $350 MILLION the very year it was launched. That’s fast. The video I watched does show someone actually doing the shopping but everything they need is right on the cart.

So whether you shop on your own or have someone do it for you, things are changing, but do you like it? It’s the next step up from self checkout, and fewer jobs. I’m interested in what you have to say. Sound off!